Japanese Auctions of Used Cars
See what cars are currently available on auctions
Right now on auctions sale 82734 cars

Want to buy a used car from Japan?
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We are ready to help you find the best choice, purchase it and deliver it to your location.
Auto Auctions In Japan
Auction is the most convenient source to buy a car from Japan. Tens of thousands of cars are selling on more than 100 auctions all over Japan. The benefits of buying from auctions are the price, most of auctions provide Live Auction enabling us to monitor the current bid on LIVE and buy for the best price possible. The auction system also provides three months auction history where we can find a market price for any model. The auctions offer massive choice, there is up to 40000cars selling everyday and there is no limit to the number of cars you can bid to purchase just one car. They also provide auction sheets wherein we can check car descriptions and condition reports. All auctions allot quality grade to each car on the scale of 0 to S with S being the highest quality. More about grading HERE. There are also cars selling "as is conditions" that are usually with damages. And finally, every bid ends in 20-30 seconds on average so you will not need to wait weeks for auctions to endInterested in buying a car from an auction? Contact us and we will find the best option for you: CONTACTS.